Object Information

oil on canvas


Data provided by Liechtenstein, The Princely Collections and formatted at Carnegie Museum of Art:

Alonso Sanchez Coello [ca. 1531–1588], the artist, Madrid, Spain, 1577; Royal Collection, Madrid, Spain; stolen by Napoleon’s Army and brought to France, ca. 1800; King Louis Philippe, Louvre, Paris, France, from 1838 until 1848; sale, Christie's, London, England, May 7, 1853, lot 146 [1]; purchased by Graves for Thomas Baring, M. P. [1799–1873], London, England, May 7, 1853; bequest to his nephew, Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of Northbrook [1827–1904] before 1904; family of Lord Northbrook until 2006; purchased by Prince Hans-Adam II for Liechtenstein, the Princely Collections, Vienna, Austria, in 2006.


[1]. Louis-Philippe sale.

Data provided by Liechtenstein, The Princely Collections:

um 1800 königliche Slg. Madrid, während der napoleonischen Invasion gestohlen und nach Frankreich gebracht; 1838–48 König Louis Philippe, Louvre, Paris; 7. 5. 1853 von Graves für Thomas Baring (1799–1873) bei Christie’s, Lot 146, erworben; vor 1904 Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of Northbrook (1827–1904); bis 2006 im Familienbesitz Lord Northbrook; erworben 2006 durch Fürst Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein von Luxury Development Inc., Panama.



* Collection Data

All collection data is based on research completed before December 2017. For details, read about the research methods of the Northbrook Provenance Project.